Innovation, investment and organisational network anaylsisWe help you to reach your goals from idea to product and from MVP to business success.
some references including external partners
Silex Zrt.
SteamNovation Kft.
Aranyponty Zrt.
Virtual Solutions Kft.
Lightware Kft.
Stringbike Kft.
SteamNovation Kft.
Aranyponty Zrt.
Virtual Solutions Kft.
Lightware Kft.
Stringbike Kft.
Biofive Zrt.,
Thor Biocrude (Hollandia),
Reaqta (Málta),
Basewalk Kft.,
Walkable Future Kft.,
Suntribute (Israel),
Benedetti Lighting Kft.,
Simple Energy Project (Lengyelország),
MistoryGame Hungary KFT.
Technosind (Olaszország)
Skaginn3x (Izland)
Thor Biocrude (Hollandia),
Reaqta (Málta),
Basewalk Kft.,
Walkable Future Kft.,
Suntribute (Israel),
Benedetti Lighting Kft.,
Simple Energy Project (Lengyelország),
MistoryGame Hungary KFT.
Technosind (Olaszország)
Skaginn3x (Izland)